Monday, October 28, 2013

Random Babbling

Alright, I'm thinking about the scanner project. I want to do something fun for this and putting body parts on a scanner is a good start. Where to put those parts is the question that I have yet to answer. I could have my face as the center and create like a sun using my hands and arms, but I feel like that is an obvious thing to do. As I sit here I'm gathering different ideas, so hopefully I can think of something intriguing. Not sure of what else to write about. I checked out some of the various art movements in the class links.I gotta say there are a whole lot of them. I've never heard of some of them like Transavantgarde. Apparently, it's like an italian version of neo expressionism, but hey it's got a crazy name, how fitting because some of the examples I looked up were kind of bizarre. 
Pimp my ride Sandro Chia style
It's a very flattering piece. It really is.

What am I looking at here? I think I see a hand!

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