Monday, October 28, 2013

Random Babbling

Alright, I'm thinking about the scanner project. I want to do something fun for this and putting body parts on a scanner is a good start. Where to put those parts is the question that I have yet to answer. I could have my face as the center and create like a sun using my hands and arms, but I feel like that is an obvious thing to do. As I sit here I'm gathering different ideas, so hopefully I can think of something intriguing. Not sure of what else to write about. I checked out some of the various art movements in the class links.I gotta say there are a whole lot of them. I've never heard of some of them like Transavantgarde. Apparently, it's like an italian version of neo expressionism, but hey it's got a crazy name, how fitting because some of the examples I looked up were kind of bizarre. 
Pimp my ride Sandro Chia style
It's a very flattering piece. It really is.

What am I looking at here? I think I see a hand!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I was on a mission from God

Well, I think I am done with my grid project. I decided to go with the Blues Brothers in the end because they ultimately won me over. I am very fond of that movie and I thought I would show my appreciation towards John Belushi and Dan Akroyd by pixelizing them.

I started with the image and put it on grid to get a grasp of what it would look like one.

I then drew by free hand a rough sketch of the Blues Brothers and then colored it in with a sharpie.

After that was said an done I made a cleaner version of the previous sketch and wrapped it up. My hand was sweaty after that. All in all I think it turned out alright considering that whenever I draw/color something I end up making a wicked mess.

Here's a random raccoon pic I took a couple days ago. I gave him a piece of bread and he preceded to lick the crumbs off of his mouth.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Grid Art

Throughout all of the stuff we did in class, I still had no perfect grasp on what I wanted to do. My mind has been blocked for this project and I had no clue why. Over the weekend I tried fixing my problem by just thinking of things I liked and decided to skim down things I could possibly try to draw. For some reason these images are staying in my head. I'll work on one of these bad boys tomorrow for sure and the end result may or may not give you seizures on Thursday.
Blues Brothers
Batman Logo

Man with no name

Rick Grimes

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Today we discussed various materials and mathematics used in art. What caught my eye today was the use of screws for art. The way that one guy (I don't remember his name :( ) was able mathematically solve where exactly he wanted the screws and just how deep they go in the frame was brilliant. The little writing robot that we saw at the very beginning of class also caught my eye. Jaquet Droz, all I have to say is wow. The mechanical engineering this guy puts into his work is outrageous. I never knew about the little writing robot he made. The robot must have been made with incredible precision. If he was even the slightest hair off in his calculations for his little writer, I would bet money that the robot's writing would look like mine (which is terrible I admit). This guy was a genius, and I feel bad for not knowing about him. I decided to look him up and found a cool little site of him. Here it is.