Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Final Video Project

For this project I made my own sounds and edited them through audacity. Honestly, I was inspired by the show American Horror Story for this project as I enjoy the dark gothic-y-ness of it. I also enjoy The Walking Dead so I in a way tried to make my video similar to their openings. Basically, in this video random weird stuff happens, but I like to believe that an evil curse has been set upon the world and this is what happens. Some may or may not like it (which is entirely ok with me), so please if you have anything to say about it please let me know. What do you like about it? What do you dislike? What would you have done different? I always enjoy your opinions. If you say "It SUCKS!" that's alright, but please tell me why.

Anyway, I've enjoyed my time with you guys. You all have awesome stuff to show around and I'm happy that I was able to look at your projects. Thanks for the good times, I hope you have great winter breaks. :)